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Building our shul one step at a time!

Teamay Philadelphia marathon 2015

TeamAY is running in the Philadelphia Marathon. Please show your support for this years runners. As they help our shul one step at a time.

This form closed on 2016-01-01 00:00:00.


Messages for TeamAY Runners

Avi & Cyndi Berger $   18.00Congratulations to all the runners on making it to the starting line with a smile at the finish!

Ira $   36.00It's a Half Marathon however you do it. Hatzlacha!

Gila Jacobi $100.00Way to go Dad!!!!

David Jacobi $   36.00Go Zaidy Go!

Koby and Rivky Milgraum $   50.00Keep it up Bruce. You have a place to stay here if you need it. Milgraums in Philadelphia

Peter Loftspring $   36.00Mazel Tov - all the best for a great run experience!

Robert Santora $   36.00Good luck Bruce.

Seth Groder $   36.00Go Uncle Bruce Go!

Gedalia Reiss $100.00

Zev & Rachel Moskowitz $   50.00Good luck to all the runners! This is for Team AY.

Jeff and Cindy Borell $180.00Bruce & team, Yasher koach!!

Bruce Jacobi $180.00Go Team Go!

Bentzion Gelfand $36.00 Go Bruce

Gidon Arnold $50.00 Go Team.

Mara and Lawrence Margolin $18.00Good luck to all of our A.Y. runners. We are very proud of you guys .

Davis Family $50.00 Anu Ratzim, V'Heiman Ratzim. Anu Ratzim L'Chayil Ha'Olam Haba!

Leslie and Zev Rosenberg and family $   36.00

So proud of the whole team. Such chizuk to run with you all and also from the amazing support of the shul.

Lillian Small $   18.00 Zev. I am very proud of you. Love, Mother. This donation is made in memory of Stanley Freifeld, Bobbi Paul's brother.

Arlene Tafler $   18.00 Zev Rosenberg. Congratulations on your Philadelphia run. This donation is in memory of Stanley Freifeld, Bobbi Paul's brother.

Spencer Rockman $   50.00 So impressed with Rosenberg mishpacha and Team AY!

Chevi Rubin $100.00 Might be over already but better late than never. Hope you kicked it's tuchus! Love you!

Deborah Teitz - $54.00 Bruce , Chazak ve'ematz!

Here is a look at what this is all about. The Fun, The Run,  the Experience Joint Team A.Y. Now.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785